Why You Need To Have A Good Abstract For Your Undergraduate Project

Having a good abstract for your undergraduate project is very important; it is a skill if you know how to write a very good abstract not just for undergraduate thesis but for dissertations, papers, conferences, posters etc. Undergraduate students may be set a task to write an abstract in their undergraduate project as part of their degree. It is an established fact that People normally read an abstract before putting in the effort to read the project or paper, so you need to make sure that your abstract entices and interest your supervisor and people at large. Therefore, an abstract should succinctly summarize your work, but they can be tricky to write as well.

In general, your abstract should cover why you did the work, how you did the work, what problem you were trying to solve, what methods you used, your key results, over-arching conclusions and recommendations. In writing your abstract you are aiming to impress your readers on your overall findings and to make them want to delve deeper and read your paper / project / report / thesis. Ideally you want a cite-able, quotable nugget of information that will draw people into reading you project work.

It is important you understand that your abstract should be the last thing you write in your project writing. This is because you will need to know your final conclusions and precise implications of your work, so your abstract should come last in your project writing and ensure to really write it in such a way it will sell to your readers.

What Is An Abstract In Any Research Work

An abstract in any research work is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or any in-depth analysis of a particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper's or project purpose.

Furthermore, an abstract is an outline/brief summary of your paper and your whole project. It should have an intro, body and conclusion. Abstracts highlight major points of your research and explain why your work is important; what your purpose was how you went about your project, what you learned, and what you concluded.

An abstract summarizes, usually in one paragraph of 300 words or less, the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that include a condensed version of your whole project. it clearly state your project objectives, concisely describe the methodology used in gathering the data, summarizes the results and the conclusions of the research work.

Abstract in an undergraduate project allows supervisors and readers to quickly grasp the purpose and major ideas of the project work and let other researchers know whether reading the entire paper will be worthwhile.

Why Is Abstract Good For Any Research Work

A) Abstract Gives Details Of The Project Work

Write your abstract using concise, but complete, sentences. Get to the point quickly and always use the past tense because you are reporting on research that has been completed. To begin composing your abstract, take whole sentences or key phrases from each section and put them in a sequence that summarizes the paper.  Ensure your abstract takes into consideration all the readers.

An abstract summarizes, usually in one paragraph of 300 words or less, the major aspects of the entire paper in a prescribed sequence that include a condensed version of your whole project. it gives a full detail of the project work even without going through the whole research work It clearly states your project aims and objectives, describes the method used in gathering the data, and summarizes the results and the conclusions of the research work.

B) One Can Easily See The Findings And Conclusion Of Any Project Work

The main aim of abstract in nay research work is so one can easily see the findings and your conclusion. Since an abstract should cover why you did the work, how you did the work, what problem you were trying to solve, what methods you used, your key results, over-arching conclusions and recommendations. With all these contained in an abstract one can easily see the findings and conclusion of any project work even without going through the whole project work.

C) Abstract Shows That You Understand Your Research Work

With the concise and précised information contained in an abstract it gives a clear indication that you understand your research work. To be able to write a good abstract and one that can attract, entice and interest the readers, then you must understand your research work first hand.

Another purpose of a research work abstract is to effectively transfer your idea to the readers. The more effective your communication is, the better the chances that your research will be utilized for the greater good. And to be able to communicate effectively is to understand your project topic.

D) Abstract Gives Your Supervisor The Complete Information Of Your Project Work

As an undergraduate student writing project, your relationship with your supervisor by virtue of your project work allows him the opportunity to go through your project work as well as monitor your progress so far. Therefore, from your abstract your supervisor gets all the information he needs from your project work. You need to try as much as possible to come up with a very good abstract to let your supervisor understand that you know what you are doing.


In conclusion, having a good abstract will give you an excellent mark from your supervisor and anyone who come across your project work because it will tell them you really know and understand what you are doing. Ensure to be précised and concise in writing your abstract. Summarize all that need to be known in the research work and be sure your abstract entices and invite your readers into further reading of your project work. Also learn to communicate effectively to your readers because the more effective your communication is, the better the chances that your research will be utilized for the greater good.

For more project topics and materials visit https://projectregards.com

