How To Avoid Still Birth Among Uneducated Women


Many women around the world suffer the trauma of still birth which could be caused by lot of factors. Still birth has been recorded mostly in developing countries where illiteracy is the order of the day. Some of these developing countries are associated with high poverty rate, lack of medical facility, lack of skilled and professional midwives and high burden of infectious morbidities.

However aside the characteristics associated with developing countries, the causes of stillbirths cannot entirely be associated with the lack of proper medical equipments and well trained medical personnel but rather can also be as a result of the attitude of some pregnant women coupled with ignorance and cultural beliefs which have been established as major factor militating against stillbirth prevention and control.

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The death of a child includes both ante-partum and intra-partum death which are the largest contributor to peri-natal mortality. Some

The main factors of still birth can either be maternal factors or the contextual factors. Some of the maternal factors can be short pregnancy interval, infections such as syphilis, obesity of the mother, alcohol and malnutrition. While the contextual factor which includes lack of Access to Antenatal Care, lack of well-trained and skilled medical personnel, poor socio-economic status and environmental pollution.

No mother is happy losing her child for any reason; it is usually a tragic experience for both the mother and the father. Studies have revealed psychological trauma which reveals the emotional and health risks associated with stillbirth experience.

However, peri-natal deaths are preventable with optimal healthcare services, such as attendance and adequate antenatal care during pregnancy, skilled healthcare personnel assistance during labour and delivery, as well as adequate and proper care during the postpartum period.

What Is Still Birth?

Stillbirth is delivering a dead baby. It is a fetal death at or after 20-28 weeks of pregnancy. The child comes out without life in him/her.

Stillbirth, defined by the World Health Organization is a baby born with no signs of life at or after 28 weeks gestation, is one of the most common adverse outcomes of pregnancy, yet among the least studied.

How To Avoid Still Birth Among Uneducated Women

With the prevailing causes of stillbirths like low or over birth weight, uterine rupture, ante-partum haemorrhage and infections associated with lack of proper care during pregnancy these cause can be controlled and preventable. One of the many ways to prevent stillbirth is by providing adequate medical facilities especially for those in the rural areas and give pregnant women the access to antenatal care and skilled medical assistance at birth. Secondly, the government of the country should try as much as possible to improve the quality of health care services as well as improve on the utilization and quality prenatal care.

Furthermore, the people especially the pregnant women should be enlightened on the importance of antenatal care and proper personal care in pregnancy to avoid complications that may be result to stillbirth. Enlightening the women is very important especially rural dwellers with culture and traditions that deter them from seeing or seeking for medical care and assistance during pregnancy. The veil of ignorance can be torn through enlightenment and encouraging the education of the girl child to further educate her in the complications that may arise during pregnancy in order to avoid future reoccurrence.

The process towards reducing and prevention of maternal and child mortality calls for a concerted and joint effort that must involve all and sundry leaving out cultural and religious beliefs that militate against medical assistance during pregnancy. In the effort of curbing and preventing stillbirth it is also advisable to include some notable key intervention organisations that have proved successful in curbing maternal and child mortality globally. For example the child survival strategies which are concerned with reducing child mortality rate around the world among others.


The rate of women illiteracy and ignorance is a major factor that adversely affects maternal and child survival rates and is also linked to early pregnancy. The women need to be aware of what is at stake if not given proper medical care and attention. No woman deserve to lose her child for it is only the woman who understands the pains of losing a child after carrying the child for a long period in the womb. Therefore, women should have access to ante-natal care

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