
How To Avoid Still Birth Among Uneducated Women

  Many women around the world suffer the trauma of still birth which could be caused by lot of factors. Still birth has been recorded mostly in developing countries where illiteracy is the order of the day. Some of these developing countries are associated with high poverty rate, lack of medical facility, lack of skilled and professional midwives and high burden of infectious morbidities. However aside the characteristics associated with developing countries, the causes of stillbirths cannot entirely be associated with the lack of proper medical equipments and well trained medical personnel but rather can also be as a result of the attitude of some pregnant women coupled with ignorance and cultural beliefs which have been established as major factor militating against stillbirth prevention and control. See some Undergraduate Project topics on still birth The death of a child includes both ante-partum and intra-partum death which are the largest contributor to peri-natal mort...

Why You Need To Have A Good Abstract For Your Undergraduate Project

Having a good abstract for your undergraduate project is very important; it is a skill if you know how to write a very good abstract not just for undergraduate thesis but for dissertations, papers, conferences, posters etc. Undergraduate students may be set a task to write an abstract in their undergraduate project as part of their degree. It is an established fact that People normally read an abstract before putting in the effort to read the project or paper, so you need to make sure that your abstract entices and interest your supervisor and people at large. Therefore, an abstract should succinctly summarize your work, but they can be tricky to write as well. In general, your abstract should cover why you did the work, how you did the work, what problem you were trying to solve, what methods you used, your key results, over-arching conclusions and recommendations. In writing your abstract you are aiming to impress your readers on your overall findings and to make them want to delv...